When do I get paid my commission?

When do I get paid my commission?

Commission paid when opted to receive money

This applies if you opted to receive money when initially registering for the WinSMS Affiliate Program. 

Commission is calculated at the beginning of every month for the previous month, usually before the 7th of the month. If your commission is less than R100.00 it will be carried over until such time as it exceeds R100.00.

When your commission exceeds R100.00 we will e-mail you and request an invoice, so please ensure your contact details are up to date in your Client Zone profile.

You are required to invoice Dolsin for commission within 30 days of the commission becoming due and payable. Failure to do so can result in your commission being voided.

Go to the commission earned section in the Client Zone for more details and to see how much commission you have earned.

Don't have a WinSMS account yet? Register your free trial account here.

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