How do I earn money with the Affiliate program?

How do I earn money with the Affiliate program?

Earning commission when opted to receive money

This applies if you opted to receive money when initially registering for the WinSMS Affiliate Program.

All you need to do is refer people to WinSMS, then when they register and buy SMS credits, you will earn a percentage of their monthly purchases for life!

For example, if you refer someone to WinSMS and they spend R500 on credits, you will earn R50 in commission - in fact, every time they buy credits you will earn a percentage of what they buy, providing you with an ongoing passive income stream.

In addition to the residual income, you will also earn a bonus commission if your referred customer buys more than 1000 SMS credits within the first 30 days of them signing up with WinSMS. For a detailed breakdown of the commission structure please login to the Client Zone here and go to the "SMS Rewards" tab.

And if you haven't yet registered with WinSMS, go here to get started on your journey to financial freedom.

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