Click on "Next"
Please note: If a database already exists on the WinSMS Server, it will be overwritten by your current one.
Click on "Next"
Wait for the upload to finish and click on "Finish"
Congratulations, your database in now backed-up to our WinSMS servers.
WinSMS Desktop Client database download
You can only download a WinSMS desktop client database if you have successfully uploaded a WinSMS desktop client database. Please make sure you are running the latest version of the WinSMS desktop client, you can check the latest version here.
Open up the WinSMS desktop client software.
Make sure you are logged on then click on "Online Services" and then "Download database from WinSMS Server..."
You will be prompted to make a local back-up which is recommended so please click on "Yes".
You can change the local back-up location but clicking on the three dots. You can change the file name by editing the file name field. Once you are happy with the file location and file name click on "OK"
If you get a successful response click on "OK" If you get a failed response then please contact us here.
Please note: This will overwrite ALL existing Contacts and Groups in your address book. If you wish to proceed then click on next "Next"
Wait for the download to complete then click "OK" The WinSMS desktop client software will restart and the database will be restored as per the last uploaded database to the WinSMS servers.